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Romeo and Juliet

August 2 - August 13 Main Stage
2006 Season

Author: Shakespeare, William
Director: Frears, Will
"A plague on both your houses!" ROMEO AND JULIET, one of Shakespeare's earliest plays, has become western culture's defining romance. As old as the ancient Italian town in which it's set, yet as urgent, inevitable and shocking as today's headlines. A star-crossed couple, more in love than any two people have a right to be, find each other, and are... Read More

On the Razzle

August 3 - August 14 Main Stage
2005 Season

Author: Stoppard, Tom
Director: Jones, David
While their boss is away, two store clerks have madcap adventures filled with mistaken identities, malapropisms and Tom Stoppard’s trademark wordplay. Freely adapted from Austrian playwright Johann Nestroy's 19th Century farce, Einen Jux will er sich machen (which also inspired Thornton Wilder's The Matchmaker), On the Razzle is high-octane non-stop fun.

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

August 5 - August 14 Free Theatre | Buxton School Field
2004 Season

Author: Rushdie, Salman
Director: Cabnet, Evan
Evan Cabnet, the director of 2003’s Ubu The King, returns to WTF with a play that has influences of Alice in Wonderland, Arabian Nights, and The Wizard of Oz. Haroun is the skeptical son of Rashid, a storyteller known as the Shah of Blah. Tired of Rashid’s constant yarn-spinning, Haroun complains, “What’s the use of stories if they aren’t even... Read More

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